June 26, 2024 – Info for psychologists: The following web pages on this site contain information relevant to psychologists and other healthcare professionals.
Comp and Pen Email Discussion List – A listserv for psychologists and other professionals interested in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) compensation and pension examinations (C&P exams), which are forensic mental health evaluations of veterans of U.S. armed forces and uniformed services seeking disability benefits. After you sign up for the list, be sure to complete the Promise to keep information on the list private and confidential.
Consultation for Psychologists – I provide consultation to psychologists who wish to ask me questions and discuss issues related to disability evaluations with U.S. military veterans (C&P exams; psychological assessment in general; and other topics. If you would like to speak with me about possible consultation, schedule a complimentary 15-minute Zoom meeting (or phone call).
Microsoft Business Associate Agreement – If you use Microsoft 365 (Office, Word, OneDrive), you might have wondered: Is Microsoft 365 HIPAA-compliant? And, if so, how do I sign a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with Microsoft? And where the heck do I find it?! This page answers those questions.
PSYPACT® States – Information on the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT®) that allows for cross-state temporary or telepsychological practice. Includes a map of PSYPACT® states and important definitions.
Wender Utah Rating Scale Handbook – Information for psychologists about the Wender Utah Rating Scale Handbook (2021) - a manual for the WURS, which is a screening questionnaire for adult ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder).
Wender Utah Rating Scale Scoring – The Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS) has many different versions, and different scoring protocols for some of those versions. Thus, psychologists should know which WURS version to use, how to score it, and how to interpret the results. This page provides guidance.
Dr. Worthen provides Independent Psychological Exams & Consultation to Attorneys
► Employment Law (ADA claims, harassment allegations, fitness for duty, workers compensation)
► Civil Competencies (guardianship, testamentary capacity)
► Psychological injury (tort actions, insurance)
► Veterans disability claims (specializing in complex cases)
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