Rula for Therapists

Rula for therapists: I offer a balanced review of the Rula telehealth therapy platform for therapists.

I initially looked askance at this company when a recruiter called. I had heard negative things about Better Help and I figured Rula was the same deal, different name. My assumption was wrong. 

On this page ... 

Rula for Therapists: Pros & Cons

Rula for Therapists: PROS

  • Concentrate on helping people and leave the rest to Rula.

  • Reasonable compensation for the average therapist who is not a highly skilled business owner.* (Speak with Rula for the details, but before you jump over to the Rula website, consider the referral program that will give you a $500 sign-on bonus if decide to join the Rula network.)

  • Prompt, knowledgeable support, often from other licensed mental health professionals.

  • Active forum for peer consultation, clinical-related support, patient resource recommendations, and requests to add or improve the platform's functionality.

  • Several peer consultation and support calls every week (via Zoom meetings). 

  • Good EMR (electronic medical records) and practice management platform.

  • Rula builds a Psychology Today page for you (based on your preferences and what you want on the page) and Rula pays for it. (Click here to see the Psychology Today listing that Rula created for me.)

  • Rula also markets your services—primarily via Search Engine Optimization (SEO)—for your Psychology Today listing, and for an additional web page for you on (click here to see my Rula web page). Your Rula web page includes an online scheduler so that new patients can schedule an appointment with your immediately. 

  • You determine your schedule, i.e., you decide what days and times you wish to see clients.

  • Reliable appointment reminder system (email and text messaging).

  • You control the contact information your patients receive. For example, if you want clients to contact you only via an online patient portal messaging system, you can choose that option. (I give patients my phone number also, but that is my choice.)

  • You get paid the same amount as a regular session for No Shows.

  • Rula handles credentialing with insurance companies.

  • Rula does advertising and marketing for you.

  • In-house referrals to psychiatric nurse practitioners and ability to read each other's notes (important for care coordination).

Rula for Therapists: CONS

  • You cannot screen patients in advance to make sure they are a good fit with your preferences and competencies, although you can (and should) specify your areas of practice (specialities, age range) and disorders you do or do not treat, all of which appears on your Rula web page and on the Psychology Today page Rula builds for you. (Rula pays for the Psychology Today listing.) 

  • You can probably earn more money per session running your own practice, provided you are (or learn how to become) a highly skilled business owner.

  • You can earn even more per hour if you see only self-pay clients.

    > In this model, you provide a superbill (receipt) for patients with out-of-network benefits, but you assume no obligation to satisfy insurance company mandates.

    > The patient must deal with the insurance company, not you.

    > If the insurance company requires additional documentation, you can provide it, but you bill for your time.

*highly skilled business owner - establishes efficient workflows, sound billing practices, effective marketing strategies, delegation of non-clinical tasks to employees or subcontractors, etc., along with seeking expert advice from legal, accounting, insurance, and practice management professionals.

Rula Is a Good Match for Therapists Who ...

  • Want someone else to handle almost all practice management tasks.

    → I love this aspect of Rula, because it allows me to do what I love, and

    →I do not have to do what I intensely dislike—billing, authorizations, and dealing with insurance companies.

  • Want to contract with a company that employs several licensed mental health clinicians who answer questions from contracted therapists.

  • Want to work from a home office.

  • Like to provide psychotherapy or counseling via telehealth

  • Want to see clients who have health insurance 
    → Some platforms, such as Better Help, do not accept health insurance. Therefore clients must pay the entire fee themselves (self-pay).

  • Want to contract with a company that emphasizes professional delivery of mental health services, i.e.,

    → conducting a thorough Intake Assessment,

    → including a Mental Status Exam,

    DSM-5 diagnosis,

    Treatment Plan, and

    → Progress Notes the meet Best Practice standards for the mental health professions.

  • Want to see clients who cannot afford self-pay therapy, but who do have health insurance.

  • Would rather not devote significant time to advertising and marketing.

Rula Is NOT a Good Match for Therapists Who ...

  • Want control over all aspects of their practice. 

  • Like administrative work (or who subcontract for it effectively).

  • Like advertising and marketing (or who know hot to subcontract those tasks to competent professionals).

  • Want to make more money per client and know (or are willing to learn) how to do that effectively. 

  • Want to provide only in-person therapy. (Rula is only telehealth.)

Receive $500 Cash Sign-On Bonus

Rula offers a $500 sign-on bonus if a currently contracted therapist refers you to Rula.

How It Works

  1. A currently contracted Rula therapist submits a form to Rula containing your full name, email address, phone number, and NPI number.

  2. Rula contacts you within two business days.

  3. If you join the Rula network, you and the referring therapist each receive $500 from Rula two weeks after you see your first patient.

Submit Form to Receive $500 Rula Sign-on Bonus

If you would like me to refer you to Rula, → complete this brief online form. The form is secure (encrypted). If you decide to join Rula we will each receive $500 from Rula after you see your first patient.

Note: I can refer you to Rula, but so can another currently contracted therapist. If you have a friend or colleague currently contracted with Rula, you might ask them to refer you

The form asks for you name, email, phone, and NPI number. I will then complete the official Rula referral form (submit your information to Rula), and Rula will contact you within two business days.

The form asks for your National Provider Information (NPI) number. If you do not remember your NPI number, look it up on this federal government website:

More Information About the Rula Referral Program

Important Notes

Important Note #1: I (Dr. Worthen) am an independent contractor with Rula. I am not a Rula employee. I do not represent Rula in any official capacity. 

Important Note #2: I endeavor to accurately present information about the Rula referral program. However, you should review the referral program details on the Rula website for official descriptions and explanations.

Important Note #3: The following sections of this web page represent my personal opinion about the company based on my experience as an independent contractor:

  • Pros & Cons
  • Rula is a Good Match for ...
  • Rula is NOT a Good Match for ... 

Important Note #4: I can refer you to Rula so that you (and I) receive the $500 bonus payment, or you can ask a friend or colleague who is a currently contracted Rula therapist to refer you. 

Rula Referral Program Infographic

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